Our Administration


Pleasant Hills Children's Home is operated under the direction of a Board of Directors composed of 30 members, an Executive Director, and a Development Director. 

Our license


Pleasant Hills Children's Home is a basic child care facility licensed by the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Service to care for 48 children. The Home was licensed in 1973.

Our Finances


Pleasant Hills is primarily funded through the gifts and contributions of cash and non-cash by churches, individuals, corporations, foundations and other interested friends. An annual budget is projected and approved by the Board of Directors.

our campus


Pleasant Hills Children's Home is located on approximately 1000 acres in a rural setting east of Fairfield, Texas. Feel free to contact us to schedule a visit.  Follow the link to discover more about our campus.

About us

CHildren We Serve 

Children from ages birth through 17, whose needs are consistent with Texas state licensing standards and admissions criteria, are eligible to apply for admission to Pleasant Hills Children's Home.  Follow the link to find out more.

View & Download our needs list


The Pleasant Hills Children's Home pantry provides essential food and household items for the clients in our care. PHCH is licensed to care for up to 48 children and relies on support from generous donors.  Follow the link to view our needs list.

Our History


Originally founded as the Daniel Memorial Orphanage in 1947, the name changed to Daniel Memorial Children's Home in 1962 and to

Pleasant Hills Children's Home on May 1, 1970.

About us

Office: 903.389.2641

Mailing Address: ​PO Box 1177, Fairfield, TX 75840

Our Core Values


Pleasant Hills Children's Home provides for all areas of a child's developmental needs.  In addition to food, clothing, and shelter, PHCH focuses on spiritual nurture, academic preparation, a strong work ethic, and healthy physical growth.  Follow the link to learn more.